Tooth Extraction
In some cases the removal of a tooth can lead to other issues with chewing ability, jaw joint issues and shifting teeth. All of these issues can be resolved and are important to fix for your overall dental health. Our dentists will discuss options available to replace the extracted tooth at your appointment.
Tooth extraction is the forced removal of a tooth, using forceps, from the dental alveolus or the socket in the alveolar bone (alveolar bone is the bone with sockets surrounding the roots of the teeth), due to various reasons such as:
1.tooth decay
2.tooth damage
3.extremely loose tooth
4.overcrowding of teeth in the mouth
5.tooth not able to erupt through the gum teeth not falling out in time, to make way for the growth of permanent teeth
7.a patient requiring radiation to the head or neck, due to certain medical conditions, and may need to have the teeth lying in the areas of radiation extracted
8.impacted wisdom teeth which cause gum pain and swelling
It is advisable to consult with your dentist if you face any of the above problems.
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